Thesis/Final Project

– Information about the terms and procedures regarding Thesis/Final Project can be read in the Academic Handbook of the Study Programme.

– Students who have been declared ‘out of theory’ are only allowed to take KKN courses, Practical Work and Thesis/Final Projects.


Students are considered ‘passed’ if they have completed a minimum number of credits, in accordance with their respective study programme curriculum, with a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 2.00; they should have also completed their Final Project/Thesis and presented/published their scientific work in national/international seminars/proceedings/journals, as required by each study programme. After conducting the Final Study Evaluation, the Head of Study Programme will report to the Dean the names of the students who have met the requirements for graduation and then submit their approval for graduation to the Rector through Directorate of Academic. Rector will then issue a diploma for students who have passed. A student is declared to have the right to hold a Bachelor’s degree in accordance with the field of study he has taken.

Requirements for taking the final project/thesis exam include:

  1. Graduate in ONDI, LKID, religious practices, reading and writing the Qur’an tests
  2. Pass the University courses with minimum grade of C
  3. Complete financial requirements
  4. Complete other requirements determined by the respective study programme
  5. Pass the TOEFL with a minimum score of 425 or equivalent CEPT/IELTS

Achievement Index as a basis for determining the predicate of graduation is as follows:


2.76-3.00: graduated with a ‘Satisfying’ Predicate

3.01-3.50: graduated with a ‘Very Satisfying’ Predicate

3.51-4.00: graduated with the Predicate ‘With Praise (Cumlaude)’

The predicate of graduation with praise (cumlaude) is only valid for students with a maximum study period of five years.